Friday, August 23, 2013

It is Law

Many of you may not be aware, but I've been working in the retail world for about a year now. The majority of that time has been spent working with mostly body care, but for the last month I've been working in an actual clothing store. 

I'd like to start off with by saying that I loved my past job and currently love my new job. My bosses/managers have been amazeballs and I've absolutely adore(d) my coworkers. That being said, there is one aspect that doesn't particularly thrill me. 

That would be the customers. Now, I'll add that I've had some completely adorable customers who have just been sweet as pie and wonderful. However, there have been those few that just make me want to punch a wall. So, while being at work one day it hit me- there should be certain "Retail Laws" that should be put into effect and that everyone should follow and everyone will be a whole lot happier. 

1. Thou Shalt Not Bring in Thy Children:
Let's be honest, you don't want your kids there, we don't want your kids there, and they don't want to be there. 
I mean, I'd be lying if I hadn't ever seen some very good and well-behaved children come in with their parents shopping, but 9 times out of 10 they're a nightmare. I swear, every time I hear a child start screaming(which I do, every time I'm at work) I can feel my tubes tying themselves. 
But probably the most annoying thing about the kids is that they come by and mess up the merchandise. In the store I work at we have jewelry towers right up next to the cash register. At the bottom of those towers are the long and dangley necklaces and what do those spawns of demons do? Knot them ALL up.

(actual photo)

And what makes it worse? The parents don't stop them. Seriously? That's costing us money. Do you not realize that? THAT'S MONEY. 

So don't bring in your kids. Unless they are well-behaved or you have them on a leash. 
I'm not kidding. 

2. Thou Shalt Not Leave the Dressing Room a Mess
I know the common thought here would be, "Oh, well they get paid to put away my clothes. So to Hell with it."
Ummm, no. MY job is to help you shop and to sell merchandise. Not to clean up after you. I'm a SALES ASSOCIATE not a MAID. 
And it's just rude. Seriously. 
The worst is when people take the clothes off the hanger, try them on(thus turning the clothes inside-out) then just throwing them in a heap in the fitting room. I'm sorry, did you forget how to put clothes ON a hanger and not just take them off? I didn't realize that was so challenging. 

(actual photo)

This isn't even half as bad as it has been. But seriously, what was so hard about actually putting the clothes back on the hanger? It's just so inconsiderate. 

3. Thou Shalt Not Shop the Sale Section until You Learn to Shop it with Respect. 
I don't understand why, but for whatever reason people think it's okay to trash sale areas. Where did that logic come from? I get it that it's already a little disorganized because it's all different types of clothing and accessories, but what about that makes it okay to throw shirts on the ground and not pick them up? It's a hot mess and it's not a party to go through. But do y'all realize how much nicer the sales would be to rifle through if you actually treated it well? 

4. Thou Shalt Not be Rude
I get it, sometimes you go out and you just don't want to be bothered. I know I sometimes even get annoyed when I go places and then everyone is on my back asking me "How are you doing" or "Are you shopping for a particular reason?" But you know what? I still smile and say I'm good and go on my merry way. Want to know why? Because I know they're just doing their jobs as am I when I'm asking those same questions while I'm working. But it really irks me when I get a customer who literally gives me the stink eye and I can feel the 'tude just radiating off them.
I get it if you're not in the mood to be bugged, but all you have to do is smile and thank them for offering to help you. They're just doing their job.

So Let it be written, so let it be done.