Monday, June 10, 2013

You Know What Grinds My Gears?

Taylor Swift.

Ya, you heard(or read) me correctly, Taylor Swift grinds my gears. She is literally wasting my oxygen.
Now, I'm not saying her songs aren't catchy as hell- they're like auditory heroin- but that does not make me a happy junkie.

Here are 5 reasons why Taylor Swift is the absolute worst:

1. Let's just get this straight- SHE IS NOT COUNTRY. If you listen to her and seriously think to yourself, "Hey, this country music isn't half bad," then you don't deserve to have ears.
How dare people put her in the same category as Johnny Cash or Willie Nelson.

Perhaps her first CD had a little country twang in it, but can y'all honestly tell me her recent singles, "We are Never Ever Getting Back Together," or "22" are country? Really?

2. She needs to stop pretending she's from Tennessee. She's from the middle-of-nowhere Pennsylvania and didn't even move below the Mason-Dixon line until she was in high school. So, just stop.

3. I don't know about you, but I am so sick and tired of her little, "I'm so shocked you guys like me," act. Every FREAKING time she is at some award show she gives the same damn speech of, "ERMAHGERD YOU LIKE ME, YOU REALLY LIKE ME- I just CAN'T believe I'm winning all these awards!"
DING DING DING you hear that? I think I hear the BS training rolling into the station!!
The whole being humble thing was really nice and sweet in the beginning of her career, because it was probably genuine, but it's been what, 5 years? You've won countless awards and made millions of dollars, the jig is up. And you wanna know the major clue into her little act? At the 2013 Golden Globes she and Adele were up for the same award and, of course, Adele won(because she is better, obviously) and the look of pure disgust on Taylor's face is undeniable. Really Taylor? You honestly thought you should've won over Adele? Riiiiggghhhhtttt.

Look at Adele being all adorable! - I digress...

4. Quit the virgin act. While yes, she may in fact be a virgin, I'm going to take a WILD guess that she's not- from dating the likes of John Mayer, Taylor Lautner, and basically every other male in Hollywood. I just....ugh. It's the same reason why in the past I disliked Miley Cyrus; she was all up on Disney Channel acting like the Virgin Queen and then half-naked photos of her leaked on the internet and she continued to act as if she hadn't done anything. But once good ole' Miley stopped the Disney charade she became A-OKAY in my book- not that she's necessarily a good role model, but at least she owns who she is.
I'm clearly not a mother(which I'm betting most of you are grateful that I have yet to reproduce) but I would never want my little girl looking up to Taylor Swift. Ever. Any woman who makes it clear that she can't do anything without a guy in her life just makes me sad.

WHICH brings me to my next point...

5. She is 22- years-old and her life still revolves around boys just like a teenage girl in high school. Don't get me wrong, relationships are a key component of everybody's lives and it's OK to talk about your relationships. There comes a point, however, when you have to actually have a personality and a life OUTSIDE of your significant other. 
Let's think about it though- even with your own friends, when they're off complaining or constantly just talking about their significant other there comes a point where you'll just sit back and think, "Wow, you really don't add anything to society. You have no meaningful contributions, because you're just wrapped up in so-and-so."

While I may be currently done with the list if anyone else would like to contribute by adding anything, please don't be shy.